Wales trails are open as marginal conditions. The warm-up and rain the last few days have made a difference in the trails for sure. Some lower areas where water collects have turned to ice. This includes some bridges that had water cover them and are now ice bridges. Roads were bare and the snow base is much thinner than before but the good news is it's snowing now. With the bare roads and icy sections you'll want to have good carbides on your sled and if you're not willing to burn through that set of carbides then you should probably stay home. We also need to re-enforce the need to stay on the trails so that we don't loose any trail sections due to people riding outside of the marked trail areas. Because not all clubs have their trails open please check with all local club trails that you plan to ride through to get to our trails to ensure that they are open before you start out. At the time of this post we know that Tri-County is open and McKean is closed but have not heard from PISC or Triangle-S yet.
