Cash Raffle Party
Join us for our biggest fund raiser of the year.
September 23, 2023
Erie County Fair Grounds in Wattsburg, PA
Inside of Lowes Bldg
13993 State Hwy 8 & 89, Wattsburg, PA 16442, USA
Doors open at 5:00pm
Main ticket raffle drawing 6:00pm - 10:00pm
Grand Prize - $10,000* will be drawn at 10:00pm
(all tickets will be in for the Grand Prize)
BBQ dinner is provided with Main Ticket purchase
Extra plates cost is $5 per plate or if you don't have a main ticket.

Small games of chance available during party
(many different games and tip boards)
Bring Your Own Beverage (BYOB)
BBQ dinner starts serving at 6:00pm
Admission to the party is free but to get the BBQ dinner, you must have either purchased a Main ticket or a BBQ dinner ticket for $5 per plate.
This is a reverse raffle and all winning tickets will be held and not go back in until the Grand Prize drawing.
For some additional fun come out and enjoy our Vintage Sled Show the same day 3-6, click here for details.
For tickets or information contact Mark (814) 823-7369 or Don (814) 434-3402
* WSD reserves the right to reduce all prizes by 0.2% for each ticket not sold